Premier Specialists for Benefit and Charity Auctions
Evaluations of Past Events to Increase Results!
Have you ever wondered if there is more you could possibly do to ensure maximum fundraising results from your event?
Lee Auctioneering & Consulting offers Clients from coast to coast Auction Evaluation services. For over 25 years we have experienced literally hundreds of events. This exposure has given us a unique prospective as to what are the most productive efforts that achieve the best benefits. There is a very high probability that we can provide you some very useful tips that will pay immediate dividends at your next auction.
Our professional Auction Evaluation process is as follows:
* Thorough review of your pre-auction preparation activities.
* Examine your day-of-event logistics and Administration control.
* Analyze yields on revenue generators (i.e. Raffles, Silent Auctions, Live Auctions, etc.).
* Critique of your final post auction debrief report (if one was done).
Please contact us at your soonest convenience should you be interested in this valued service. The advice and counsel you receive will benefit your event for years to come.